
Online Recently

Lexington, South Carolina

Age 53

Next birthday in January

Sugar Daddy

Looking for a 30-50 year old SugarBaby

Online Recently

Lexington, South Carolina

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Daddy

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Marital status


  • Body & height

    5' 10

  • Income

    $100k - $250k

  • Net Worth

    Rather not say

About me

What can I say about me? Well for starters I'm a hopeless romantic. I do believe in true love, soulmates, and in the recent past, love at first sight. I know, I know, you're thinking this guy seems crazy, right? Well maybe I am. I believe that the personality traits associated with an individual's zodiac sign are almost spot-on 90% of the time, and it has served me well in my nsaseriouslyAT relationships both professional and personal. Personally, I am a Scorpio, through and through, to the Bone. If you don't know what that is, you might want to look it up because there are certain signs that I am just not compatible with under any circumstances, and I probably wouldn't even consider meeting based on that one trait alone. GEE
Superficial and shallow you say? Not at all.
To the contrary, I don't make any of these statements lightly. I've done much investigation, and spent countless hours of study to arrive at these very conclusions. MAIL That said, there is one thing that I absolutely will not tolerate. Anything having to do with lies or Liars. It doesn't matter to me if it's a little white lie (to spare my feelings), or a bold-faced over-the-top grandiose falsification of events. The end result is the same. Because once I have found out (and believe, me I will find out) the problem that I now have is not so much the fact that you lied, but i now have to question every single thing you say; and who wants to live like that? The solution is simple: Always tell the truth, no matter what. No matter how bad it is, I will respect an individual more for telling me the truth that hurts then lying to me to ( in their mind) protect my feelings. I'm a bit of a writer, not for any other purpose than my own edification or for that of my partners, typically writing poetry or love letters and that sort. I am well-traveled, educated, comfortable in most every sort of social situation from an intimate candlelit dinner for two to speaking in front of Television cameras. I'm definitely a nurturer and a pleaser, a bit of a psychic and definitely empathic. I observe everything, way more than I let on. I do not consider myself perfect. Lord knows I'm far from it. But I am honest, I'm loyal, adaptable and naughty As F. U. C. K.

What I’m Looking For

Just looking for a good time possibly play with a female friend as well

Looking For

  • Profile

    Sugar Baby

  • Age
