World's Best
Sugar Daddy Dating

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What Our Members Say

@sucreamigo8402 avatar
I had tried so many sugar dating sites, and scrolled through way too many unpalatable options, before I ended up finding my perfect match - gorgeous, classy, sophisticated - on yours within my first week!

Your site takes itself more seriously than others, it seems, and that is reflected by the overall quality of sugar babies that come here.

Five stars, would repeat.
@amy_of_aberdeen2 avatar
Sugar Baby
Now THIS is what I had been looking for! An entertaining and easy-to-navigate way of finding generous older men in my area, that all want to treat me like the princess that I am.

I felt safe and secure from day one, and I had several conversations going with interested sugar daddies within a day or two.

All I had to do was create a profile, browse members, and start chatting to the ones I liked.
@WinnipegStan61 avatar
The main thing I enjoyed about using your site was the rapid response of your customer service team. I felt very supported... - like there was a whole team of people invested in my success.

Questions were resolved quickly, and with well-reasoned responses every time. It really feels like your site is motivated to actually provide what it claims to.

Meaningful connections for like-minded people.
@Sugary_Erin avatar
Sugar Baby
I am so glad that this site is still in operation! I met my first sugar daddy here, and we were together for 3 years before ending things recently.

Now, I have come back onto your site looking for my next sugar daddy, and I see that the community has grown to the point where there are more available men to choose from and more features to help us connect.

I‘ll have my next sugar daddy in no time at all!
@Barton_iquellio avatar
I know how difficult it can be to trust what you‘re reading online - but this site gave me peace of mind with its verification feature.

I knew the ladies I was speaking to were real, and not what they seemed at first (too good to be true).

When you‘ve been dabbling in this for as long as I have, you become skeptical, but with the confidence that verification gave me, I wound up meeting some really beautiful women that I would have otherwise dismissed as fakes!
@23lorelei avatar
Sugar Baby
Anyone who is curious about sugar dating needs to check out this site before they try the rest. They‘re going to end up on here anyways, it‘s just so much easier to use.

Ladies never pay for anything, and the site does its best to create a safe environment for you to flirt without fear.

It‘s a classy place, free of judgement, where you can get what you REALLY want out of your relationships. What could be better?

As Seen On

yahoo logo daily express logo daily dot logo mirror logo cut logo voice logo le journal logo buzzsprout logo jerusalem post logo provides high level security & privacy

We strive to keep our community safe so that you can focus on making connections. Some of the advantages to our Security-First approach include:

Verified Members

Video verification allows you to know that potential dates look like their photos.

Secure Accounts

Industry-leading account protection helps keep your profile and information safe.

24/7 Support

We have a dedicated team of customer service agents to support you.

Sugar Daddy App

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SugarDaddy is optimized for your favorite mobile devices. There is no need to download or install an app on your phone.
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By The Numbers

Millions of Active Members
6x More Sugar Babies than Sugar Daddies
Average Time to Find a Match: 4 Days
Average Sugar Daddy Age: 52
Average Sugar Baby Age: 23
1000’s of New Members Everyday

Top 10 Reasons
You Should Be Dating On

  1. Honesty and Transparency: The Essence of a Genuine Sugar Daddy Site

    On, honesty and transparency reign supreme. Here, you can be open about your desires and expectations, creating a foundation for stronger, healthier relationships. The freedom to be authentic allows sugar daddies and sugar babies to truly understand each other's needs and foster a connection that is genuine and deeply satisfying.

  2. Embracing Drama-Free Fun with Our Sugar Daddy App offers a unique dating experience that emphasizes the enjoyable aspects of a relationship while minimizing the complications and stress often found in traditional partnerships. By focusing on shared enjoyment and cutting out unnecessary drama, sugar dating creates a space where both parties can be happy and thrive

  3. Using Success for a Better Life: Sharing Wealth and Knowledge

    Successful sugar daddies on our site have the unique opportunity to use their wealth and knowledge to create a better life for themselves and sugar babies. By sharing their resources and experiences, sugar daddies can provide invaluable opportunities for growth and development, enriching the lives of sugar babies and creating lasting, meaningful connections.

  4. Mentorship & Networking: A Sugar Dating Site That Fosters Growth & Connections

    One of the most significant advantages of sugar dating on's app is the opportunity for mentorship and networking. Sugar daddies, with their vast life experience and expertise, can provide guidance and support to their sugar babies, opening doors to new opportunities and helping them achieve their goals.

  5. A Relationship That Works: Mutual Happiness and Satisfaction

    Our sugar daddy app is all about promoting relationships that work for both partners. By focusing on mutual happiness and satisfaction, sugar dating creates a unique environment where both sugar daddies and sugar babies can thrive. It's a refreshing approach to dating that fosters genuine connections and lasting contentment.

  6. Dating Mature & Generous Men: No More Losers with the Right Sugar Daddy App connects sugar babies with mature, successful partners who are ready and willing to provide the care and support they deserve. Say goodbye to the disappointment of dating deadbeats; sugar dating offers a refreshing alternative that promises fulfilling relationships with experienced, generous men.

  7. Valuing Wisdom and Generosity: Appreciation for Life Experience fosters a community where wisdom and generosity are highly valued. Here, sugar babies can find partners who appreciate their life experiences and the lessons they've learned. This mutual appreciation forms the basis for strong, enduring connections that enrich the lives of both sugar daddies and sugar babies

  8. Chivalry and Romance: Sweeping Them off Their Feet encourages chivalrous acts and devotion in relationships. It's an app where romance and courtship are celebrated, and sugar daddies have the opportunity to sweep their sugar babies off their feet. The emphasis on chivalry and romance creates an atmosphere of passion and excitement, making sugar dating an unforgettable and exhilarating experience.

  9. Getting Better with Age: Age as an Asset embraces the belief that people improve with age. Our sugar dating site champions the idea that wisdom, experience, and emotional maturity are assets in a relationship, not liabilities. Sugar dating allows both sugar daddies and sugar babies to appreciate the unique qualities that come with age and use them to build stronger, more fulfilling connections

  10. Happiness: A Sugar Dating App That Promotes Fairness

    At the heart of every sugar dating relationship on is the principle of fairness and happiness. Both sugar daddies and sugar babies enter the partnership with specific needs, and they work together to ensure each person's desires are met. This dynamic fosters a strong bond that is built on mutual respect and understanding, all through our all-inclusive Sugar Daddy site.

The Sugar Baby Dating Website That Really Delivers

SugarDaddy isn’t just a site where you will find a sugar baby dating an older sugar daddy - a sugar baby website like SugarDaddy breaks down those cliches with members of all ages.
The sugar babies you find on SugarDaddy are the kind that respect someone who knows how to take care of them, and that dynamic is reflected in the harmonious nature of their relationships - everyone benefits in their own way.
Sugar Baby Dating

What is a
Sugar Relationship?

Sugar dating, in its modern form, has elevated the world of traditional dating relationships, making it more satisfying for both partners.
Like-minded people can find each other and explore relationships on their own terms, free from the judgement they may feel from their friends, family, or wider society.
Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby

More Quality Time

When you cut out all of the boring, tedious bits from traditional relationships, you are left with a relationship that, like your favorite classic rock station, is “all killer, no filler.”

The only time you need to spend on your relationship is “quality time” – exciting evenings out, romantic getaways.

A sugar dating relationship is an escape from your troubles (a stark contrast from traditional relationships, which can often be the source of them).

Sugar Daddy Dating

More Free Time

The things you give up by choosing sugar dating cost you valuable time – long text exchanges, jealousy, arguments over minuscule slights, the need to gain the approval of your partner’s friends and family. The boring parts that detract from a relationship.

Instead, you end up with more free time to devote to other pursuits – career goals, hobbies, or perhaps just more quality time with your sugar baby.

Nothing is more valuable than time, and owning more of it to spend how you please is a gift sugar dating can provide.

Sugar Baby

More Clarity

Sugar daddy relationships come with fewer strings attached, operating from a place of total honesty. Each partner’s goals and needs are transparent and well-defined from the very beginning.

There are fewer mixed messages, things left unsaid, or open to interpretation. There is no need to be anything but open with your partner, and this makes sugar dating relationships incredibly easy to maintain.

Sugar daddies and their sugar babies save themselves time and stress, all while having the time of their lives.

The Advantages of Sugar Dating

Anyone who has been in a relationship enters into that relationship because they have needs.

Thankfully, a relationship that puts needs first exists. It’s called sugar daddy dating, and your needs are the focus.
Sugar dating is the perfect alternative to regular dating. The community of sugar babies and sugar daddies is the place to find someone who is as practical and goal-oriented as you are – even if you live very different lives, and run in different social circles. In fact, bringing together like-minded people from different worlds is the point.

If you’ve ever been bored or frustrated with your love life, or your ability to balance it with your professional goals and aspirations, consider the advantages of sugar baby dating.
  1. Less Strings Attached

    Sugar daddies and sugar babies place outdated ideas about monogamy and responsibility aside in favor of one virtue: fairness. Their sugar relationships are so enjoyable because they are built on a foundation of understanding and mutual respect. You don’t need to “tie yourself down” if you don’t want to, and you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself, either. As a result, you enjoy acceptance and patience from your partner that would be unheard of in a traditional relationship.
  2. Honesty and Transparency

    The terms of your sugar dating relationship are easy to stick to – because you’ve both been honest from the beginning about your expectations and your boundaries. There’s no reason for you and your partner to keep anything from each other, or pretend to be anything that you’re not. All you need to do is keep your partner happy, and they do the same. There’s no guess work about how to do that, either – because you’ve discussed and agreed to it from the very start!
  3. Upgraded Lifestyle for Sugar Babies

    Sugar babies can rely on their relationships to provide them with the support that they desire. The benefits aren’t purely romantic. Sugar dating can lead to an upgraded lifestyle and exposure to places they didn't know existed.

    The knowledge shared by a sugar daddy can elevate a young professional in the business world, and the right sugar daddy can provide networking opportunities, invaluable expertise, and career mentorship that could set up his sugar baby for life.
  4. Youthful Adventure for Sugar Daddies

    When a sugar baby injects some playful energy into their life, a sugar daddy can walk taller, breathe deeper, and smile a lot more.

    The right sugar baby can make anyone feel enthusiastic again, and remember the excitement with which they used to approach each new day.