10 Hinge Alternatives in 2024


Last Updated: April 30, 2024

Dating Tips

If you’re searching for Hinge alternatives, we can bet it’s because you’ve been struggling to find meaningful, long-lasting connections with anyone you’ve met on the app. And no, it’s not that you’re doing anything wrong! It could be the case that Hinge is just not the dating app for you.

But not to worry. We have 10 options that could offer you the kind of experience you’re looking for. Take a look at these Hinge alternatives to try in 2024!


Okay, you’ve definitely heard of this one. In fact, Hinge is often the dating app that people go to when they’re tired of Tinder. But, in the off chance that you’ve never tried Tinder (or you’ve been away for a while), this platform does have a few advantages that could change your dating game.

For one thing, it’s the dating app that has the most movement. That’s why it’s a good idea to go back and try after a few months if you didn’t like your matches before. Because new people are signing up all the time, you’re likely to find fresh connections every time you log on.

And, thanks to its success as the leading dating app, Tinder has an interface and user experience that is pretty much unmatched (see what we did there?). It’s super easy to make an account, figure out the whole swiping thing and start chatting.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Try new things in your profile. What you think is an award-winning bio might be the thing that’s preventing potential matches from swiping right. So, if you’re having limited success, consider revisiting your profile and trying some new things.
  • Be more mindful of your swiping habits. There’s no denying that Tinder has made online dating a tad shallow. It’s easy to judge someone primarily on their profile picture and swipe left at the first hint of incompatibility. But, in order to make Tinder more effective, try slowing down and giving people a chance.

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • You’ve tried it before and didn’t like it
  • You live in an area with a very limited dating pool and aren’t willing to travel
  • You struggle to create a profile that captures your good qualities

The League

Just because Tinder has the largest user base in the dating app world doesn’t mean that everyone on there is a catch! That’s where more selective apps like the League come in. This platform is all about screening users to make sure that your options include matches with a similar educational background and career path as you. No more wasting your time with someone who isn’t as driven and focused as you are.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Make sure you’ve got what it takes to get approved. First things first, you have to get on the app! So, be ready to update your LinkedIn.
  • Don’t be too busy to set up dates. One of the challenges of dating someone who is also a serious professional is finding the time to set up dates. The League limits your daily curated matches and expires matches that haven’t connected in real life after 21 days as a way to encourage real-life meet-ups.

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • You might find it slightly elitist
  • It doesn’t have as large of a user base as other platforms
  • The approval process takes time, so you may have to wait to find your next match

Plenty of Fish

Born in Canada in 2003, Plenty of Fish is one of the OG dating platforms that existed before there were apps. As such, it’s stuck to its earlier format of being more focused on conversation than photo judging (remember, this was the era of rom-coms like You’ve Got Mail in which the protagonists fell in love via long-form email.) Today, it continues to be a popular dating app that uses in-depth personality quizzes to games to get to know potential matches.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Use it when you’re able to focus all of your attention on it. Because Plenty of Fish prioritizes messaging over photo-sharing, you’ll really want to spend time thinking about your responses.
  • Make good use of the livestream feature. Plenty of Fish allows you to record and watch live streams to interact with other members on the app (and even other dating apps in the Match group that owns Plenty of Fish.)

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • You may feel overwhelmed by making a good first impression through messaging
  • You may find that the user base for Plenty of Fish is smaller than other apps


Feeld is quite a departure from any of the dating apps we’ve discussed so far. But, if you’re looking for Hinge alternatives that really open your mind, Feeld might be what you’ve been after. Feeld is a dating app that was created for polyamory or ethical non-monogamy (back in the day, it was called 3nder.) As such, it serves as a community-building platform for anyone looking to expand or explore this style of dating, as well as anyone interested in kinks or so-called “non-vanilla” dating.

Although the concept is quite different from mainstream dating apps, the functionality is pretty similar. As it’s become more popular, Feeld has been able to invest in better app design, and you’ll find it easy to start browsing profiles and chatting with anyone you’re interested in.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Be specific about what you’re looking for. Some users have complained that because there are many more profiles on the account than before, it’s actually more difficult to find specific kinks or partnerships. So, you can make things simpler by being straightforward with the kind of relationship you’re hoping to find on the site, be it a casual hook-up, threesome, or otherwise.

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • If you’re looking for traditional romance, you likely won’t find it on Feeld.



It’s well-known that women and men have different experiences on dating apps. And that’s exactly what Bumble creators attempted to address when they created their dating app. The concept behind Bumble is that women get to make the first move, which theoretically cuts down on them getting a ton of unwanted messages from men that they’re not interested in.

Whether this business model actually translates to a better experience for women on the site is somewhat up for debate. But, it could be worth a try if you’re looking for Hinge alternatives. And, Bumble does have a reputation for being catered to more serious relationships.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • If you’re a man, make sure your profile is high-quality. Fellas, you can’t only rely on your profile picture to grab the attention of potential matches like you might on Tinder. The users who are attracted to Bumble are likely more interested in your personality. So, showcase it!
  • If you’re a woman, make sure to set aside the time to dedicate to making connections. With Bumble, it will be up to you to be proactive about starting up conversations. So, make sure you set aside time and attention to make the most of your matches.

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • The initial matches expire after a day of inactivity. So, you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to check in with the app multiple times per day.


Happn may not be as well-known as some of the other Hinge alternatives on the list, but they have one of the best star ratings on Google Play (4.2 stars) and Apple (4.3 stars.) So, what is it about this dating app that has people buzzing? Well, the concept is intriguing, the idea being that you match with people who you cross paths with in your daily life but are too busy or shy to connect with. You can think of it kind of like a modern-day “missed connections,” if you’re old enough to remember that nugget from the early days of Craigslist. The app matches you with people who have spent time in your regular hangout spots, whether it be your favorite coffee shop, running route, or dance floor. You’ll also be able to personalize your profile with dating preferences to make sure that your matches have some compatibility, as well.

The benefit, of course, is that you don’t have to spend time chatting with someone who lives an inconvenient distance from your neighborhood. You’ll also have something to talk about to get the ball rolling!

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Those who make the most out of Happn are typically people who are active and out of the house a lot. If you tend to stick to the three-mile radius between work, grocery store, and home, you could be limiting your options.
  • Make sure that you have your location turned on (or off, when you don’t want the app to find matches in a certain area.) Since the app will use your everyday movements to find your perfect match, you want to be strategic about when it’s collecting data. So if you don’t want to be matched with someone who lives across town, make sure your location is off when you’re over there.

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • Some people don’t like the idea of their location being tracked by an app.

Sugar Daddy


This is another one of those Hinge alternatives that might seem odd to you until you give it an open-minded consideration. In reality, there are plenty of people who are foregoing mainstream dating apps in favor of out-of-the-box options like sugar dating. After all, this style of dating can be fun, dynamic, and as involved or distant as you’d like. If you’re looking for a committed ongoing partnership, you can find a sugar partner who’s in it for the long haul. If you want something short-term and fun while you test out different traditional dating apps, you can find your friend with benefits or a travel partner.

No matter how you go about sugaring, SugarDaddy.com is one of the most reliable and sought-after platforms in the community! You just have to make a profile just like you would on other dating apps and you’ll be able to browse eligible matches.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Learn from the perspective of other sugar babies and daddies before you dive in. There’s lots of useful information about best practices, mistakes to avoid, and unwritten rules on online sugaring communities such as subreddits and forums. Even though everyone’s experience is different, it’s still a good idea to get real-life perspectives before you create your online profile.
  • Think carefully about what your ideal sugar partnership would look like. Sugaring is all about clear communication and expectation-setting. So, consider what exactly you would want to gain from a sugar relationship as well as what you’d be willing to offer!

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • If you don’t have a lot of free time as it is, sugaring might not be for you. You’ll need to spend time checking in with your partner, planning dates, and spending time with your sugar daddy or sugar baby.


If you’re looking for a dating app that exists outside of the mega-conglomerate that owns Hinge, OkCupid, Tinder, and others, Zoosk could be your preferred alternative. It’s based in Germany, and offers its users a community of over 40 million people to choose from.

Many of today’s dating apps are very hush-hush about their algorithm, but Zoosk is proud to point out that theirs is based on their user’s past behaviors. For instance, while Tinder tends to recycle past profiles that you might have quickly swiped left on, Zoosk will remember that you didn’t vibe with that person and show you other matches who have different interests or characteristics.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Stick with it. Because of the nature of their unique algorithm, you’ll theoretically get better matches the more you feed it information about your dating preferences. So, don’t get discouraged!

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • Zoosk leaves a lot to be desired if you’re only relying on the free version. Get ready to shell out if you want to make real connections on the site.


Wait, isn’t Meetup a social website for, well, meeting up? Yes! Meetup is not a dating app. But that doesn’t mean it’s not one of the best Hinge alternatives available in today’s dating culture!

After all, what better way to meet your match than to attend a social gathering with like-minded individuals who are open to making connections? Not only will you expand your own social network by hanging out with cool people in your neighborhood, but you might just find your ideal partner at the event itself or through someone you meet at a Meetup event.

We want to emphasize, of course, that you shouldn’t barge into a Meetup event with the sole purpose of picking up on the singles. Instead, go into it with an open mind, be respectful, and if something develops naturally, pursue it!

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Sign up for events that you’re actually interested in. We wouldn’t recommend signing up for a running club if you hate running or an art meetup if you have no interest in art. Instead, go to events that you would be happy to go to whether or not you end up meeting a potential partner. That way, you’ll be relaxed and in a better position to meet someone you like.

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • Meetup is most active in big cities and towns. Otherwise, you might find all of the planned events to be catered toward seniors or very niche groups.
  • It’s probably not going to give you a date right away. If you’re looking to meet someone quickly, stick with the dating apps, where you know that people are looking for the same thing as you.



Again, this isn’t technically a dating app, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t lead to dates if you play your cards right! That’s because Instagram can work very similarly to a dating app: you upload photos and videos, you share captions that tell your audience about your personality, and you use hashtags to find accounts with similar interests and shared locations.

To be sure, not everyone that you chat with on Instagram will be looking for love. So, be ready to play the long game and work towards building an online presence that attracts the singles you’re looking to meet.

How to increase your chances of finding quality matches

  • Look for people using hashtags, mentions, and locations that are relevant to you. If you work out at a specific gym where a bunch of cuties also work out, follow the gym’s Instagram account! Every time you visit, upload a story and tag them. The cuties who also follow the account will start to follow you, and you can form a connection. This applies to all kinds of different scenarios, from your favorite restaurants to music festivals to clothing brands and more.
  • Don’t be afraid to make the first move. If you see someone on Instagram who catches your eye, reach out to them! You truly have nothing to lose and a very exciting potential relationship to gain!
  • Take the leap, ask someone out! Once you’ve been chatting with someone for a while, and you’ve established that you’re in the same city or neighborhood, schedule an in-person hang!

Reasons why it might not be a good fit for you

  • Like other Hinge alternatives that aren’t strictly dating apps, Instagram is more of a long game. You’ll need to be active online and be searching for people who are interesting to you. The more active you are, the more this social media algorithm will start suggesting like-minded people.
  • You might find yourself talking to people who end up not being available. On dating apps, you know that you’re both there for the same thing. But on Instagram, you might find yourself chatting with someone who is actually taken or not dating.

Which Hinge alternatives caught your eye?

If you’ve been striking out on Hinge, we hope that this list has given you some hope to take your dating journey in a different direction! Whether you test out your luck on a similar dating app like Tinder or dive into a completely new community like Feeld, the beauty of today’s dating landscape is that you have options. So, which of these Hinge alternatives will you try?