The Role of Mentorship in Your 20s


Last Updated: March 12, 2024

Sugar Baby

Whether you’re in college or starting out your career, we can bet that you’ve heard plenty of people talking about the importance of mentorship in your 20s. But, what are the real benefits of having a mentor? And how can you go about finding one? Once you’ve landed a mentor, what is your role in the relationship?

Clearly, there are a lot of questions floating around the topic, so let’s get right to it! Here’s everything you need to know about mentorship.

Benefits of mentorship in your 20s


As a 20-something, you’ve probably heard that you need a mentor. But you might still be wondering about the concrete reasons why. Here are some advantages of having an experienced, supportive mentor in your corner:

  • They can give you valuable advice. The main objective of finding a mentor is that you’ll have someone to advise and guide you through your 20s. Whether you’re interested in advancing your career or becoming financially stable, a good mentor has plenty of wisdom to share.
  • They can help you get serious about your goals. Maybe you’ve been hesitant to find a mentor because you don’t have specific goals about the future. That’s okay! A mentor can help you explore your options and choose a path that motivates you.
  • They can help keep you on track towards your goals. Once you’ve got a specific goal in mind, a mentor won’t just let you figure the rest out on your own. Instead, they’ll help you put together a plan with next steps and realistic milestones. Every time you see each other, you’ll be expected to share your progress and talk through any snags that have kept you from moving forward.
  • They can connect you with other life-changing people. A mentor who is well-established in their field will undoubtedly have connections. And, they’ll be willing to make introductions with people who can help further your progress.
  • They can legitimize your work. As a 20-something, you’re going to face people who will discredit your work simply because of your age. But when you have a supportive mentor at your side, their backing will make others believe in you too.
  • They can be the cheerleader you need. One of the most profound advantages of having a mentor is the emotional support. This person will believe in you and be invested in your success. That’s a powerful thing!

How to spot a potential mentor’s green flags

The truth is, not everyone is set out to be a mentor. Just because someone is successful in their given field doesn’t mean they have the personality or time to support a mentee. So, ask you start shopping around for mentorship in your 20s, you’ll want to look for certain green flags such as:

  • A mentor who is genuinely interested in your ideas. Good mentors are excited about the next generation, and they aren’t afraid to show it! Your mentor should be interested in what you have to say and ask you the right questions to help you develop your ideas.
  • They aren’t jaded or overly negative. There’s nothing worse than a mentor who offers you more roadblocks than alternative routes. So, if you start chatting with someone who complains constantly or makes your dreams seem impossible, keep the search going.
  • They make time for you. Mentors tend to be busy people. But if they’re really invested in you, they’ll be willing to sit down and focus, even if it’s only for thirty minutes at a time.
  • They give you the space to ask questions without judgment. Questions are such an important part of your personal growth, and you deserve a mentor who encourages them!
  • They give constructive feedback. Feedback is a necessary part of mentorship, and it’s not always a comfortable experience. But, your mentor should be willing to provide their comments in a way that is helpful and supportive. If you receive harsh feedback, give yourself some time to process. Once the emotional discomfort has passed, you can consider objectively if their feedback was helpful or if you should find a different mentor.

How to find a mentor


So, where are these mystical mentors who are ready to guide you on your journey? The good news is, they’re kind of everywhere! Here are a few places to start searching:

  • Your university. If you’re going to college, chances are, there are professors, grad students, and faculty who are expecting students to ask them about mentorship.
  • Your family’s social network. Your rich uncle, your cousin twice removed who owns their own business, even your parent’s best friend are all potential mentors.
  • A higher-up at work. If there’s a supervisor whom you look up to, they might be willing to take you under their wing.
  • A sugar daddy website. On first thought, you might not consider sugaring as a way to get mentorship in your 20s, but it’s actually a brilliant option. Sugar daddies tend to be successful people who are willing to offer advice and guidance to the younger generation. And, you can tailor your search to sugar daddies in your given field, which will be more specific to your goals than relying on family friends.

How to navigate your role as a mentee

Finally, once you’ve landed a good mentor with green flags, you might be wondering what your expectations are as the mentee. Here are a few ways to show your mentor you’re committed and worth their investment:

  • Show up on time (which really means early.) One of the quickest ways to build trust with a mentor is to honor their time. Show up early so that they don’t have to wait for you. And if something has come up, which happens in real life, let them know with as much notice as possible.
  • Show up prepared. A mentor relationship doesn’t have to be all business. In fact, you should expect some of your time together to be dedicated to getting to know each other and being social. But, also make sure that you come ready to talk through your progress, ask questions, and discuss next steps.
  • Take their advice to heart. Mentors know that you’re not going to follow every word of advice they offer you. But still, you should make an effort to put some or most of what they say into practice. After all, if you repeatedly ignore their advice, eventually, they’ll stop offering it.
  • Show your appreciation. Mentors are often incentivized to take on mentees because it gives them purpose and hope about the future. So, you can make the process more valuable for them by showing how much you appreciate them. Give them thoughtful little gifts, say thank you often, and celebrate your wins with them.

Ready for mentorship in your 20s?

As you can see, finding a mentor can provide you with so many benefits, even if you don’t have set goals in mind yet. So, will you try to find mentorship in your 20s?