Top 20 Sugar Daddy Memes of 2023


Last Updated: October 20, 2023

Sugar Dating 101

Get ready to laugh, shake your head, and feel very seen with this list of the best sugar daddy memes in 2023!

1. Are there any Tinder sugar daddies out there?

We all know the feeling when that new restaurant just opened and your bank account balance says, “You can afford exactly one appetizer.” Time to increase that age range and find your Tinder sugar daddy.


Okay but in all seriousness, Tinder is probably not the best place to find a sugar daddy! Stick with dedicated sugar daddy sites for your best chance at landing your dream daddy.

2. The thrill of a first match!

You’ll always remember your first DM from a potential partner on a sugar daddy site. Hopefully, they said something more poetic than, “Sup, hottie.” But even if not, it was still a thrill!


3. “Oh, did you catch me daydreaming again?”

Your sugar daddy will never suspect that you practiced this look in the mirror for three hours before your date.


4. All in good time, sweetie

Sugaring is like farming. You gotta plant those seeds, water them, and hope for a good harvest. And by harvest, we mean credit card details, of course.


But funny sugar daddy memes aside, we understand the struggle when it seems like it’s taking forever for your partner to deliver on the whole “pampering you” side of things. With some experience, you’ll learn how to tell when the getting-to-know-you phase should transition into the showering you with gifts phase.

Also, a pro tip: don’t give out your private number to potential partners! It’s a lot safer to keep the conversation on the sugar dating app.

5. They can’t handle the truth!

Once you start enjoying all of the gifts and experiences that your sugar daddy gives you, it’s bound to start attracting some attention! Always remember that no one needs to know how you achieve your lavish lifestyle. But, you can always drop hints to keep the haters guessing!


6. Okay, but with the right technique, you can do both

Who says you can’t study and have a sugar daddy? It’s all about balance! You know, ten minutes of reading, then ten minutes of scouting the pool for potential partners, then back to reading. Once you’ve made eye contact with a few hotties, they’re bound to come over and ask you what you’re studying!


7. Looking back, there were signs

Don’t worry, being tricked by a splenda daddy happens to the best of us! One minute, you think you’re on the way to Paris Fashion Week, and the next your sugar daddy tells you you’re road-tripping to a family reunion in Paris, Texas. His sister said you could sleep on the pull-out in the living room.


Remember that it’s never too late to cut your losses and get out before meeting the family. And hey, at least you got some funny sugar daddy memes out of the experience.

8. Oh divorced men over 40, how we cherish you

They’re trying their best, and being adorable in the process. Maybe schedule a date that revolves around teaching him how to take a good selfie? Not that his current profile picture isn’t great, but, you know…just for fun.


9. It really is easier than you think!

The only math you should be doing is calculating how many new items of clothing you can fit in your current wardrobe after going shopping with your new sugar daddy. Don’t believe us that sugaring is easier than this meme suggests? All you need to do is set up your profile on a reputable sugar dating app, chat with potential partners, and schedule a meet & greet. You’ll get the hang of it before you know it!


10. This one’s for the bilingual sugar babies out there!

The caption reads: “When your sugar daddy invites you to parties with their friends.” No more photoshopping yourself into pictures of actors from the Marvel Universe. With your new sugar daddy, you can snap a selfie with the Avengers in real life! Of course, your friends still might not believe you.


11. Just Google: Easy recipes to impress sugar momma

Maybe practice a bit at home before actually offering to cook her anything.


Or, you know, order take-out and then serve it on a plate like you cooked it yourself.

12. You always have the high ground when you can spot sugar daddy scams


Once you learn to read the signs, it’s super easy to spot online sugar daddy scammers. And, you’ll do it in less time than it took Anakin to turn to the dark side.

13. After taking two hours for your 30-minute lunch break

Responding to emails? Oooh, sorry. I can’t today. My sugar daddy surprised me with a trip to the nail salon.


14. No shame in being specific

How is she supposed to know which one you want unless you tell her in detail? Maybe someday, she’ll finally take you on that trip to Legoland you’ve been dreaming about.


15. Better make sure your passport is up-to-date

Oh, your sugar daddy is going to be busy with meetings during their work trip abroad? I guess you’re just going to have to sip Sangria by the hotel pool on your own for a few hours.


16. Unnamed Florida Woman has our vote

To be honest, we can’t believe we didn’t think of this first. Although, to be fair, every day is sugar daddy-mommy appreciation day in our books.


17. When you get a sugar momma to help fund your growing plant collection

Bonus points if she can also tell you how to keep a Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree alive. That’s sugaring mentorship in action.


18. Omg, an Andes Mint? What is this, the Ritz?

You should know that if your sugar daddy invites you to a fancy hotel, you’re entitled to the chocolates on both pillows. And everything in the minibar. And room service.


19. Just do your best not to get your tears on that Nappa Leather

Okay, retail therapy isn’t the same as therapy, therapy. But with the right sugar daddy, you can afford both.


20. If you want some sugar baby advice, all you have to do is ask

Some people are good at throwing shade. I’m good at dressing myself in designer clothes.


Which of these sugar daddy memes is your favorite?

We hope that our list of 2023 sugaring memes has brightened your day as much as getting a text from your sugar daddy saying, “Want to take the yacht out this weekend?”

Keep living your life of luxury and we’ll keep the sugar daddy memes coming!