What Does Unicorn Mean in Dating?


Last Updated: November 23, 2023

Dating Tips

The beauty of modern dating is that there’s truly something for everyone. And, unicorn is a phrase that perfectly encapsulates the freedom and flexibility of today’s dating world.

So, what does unicorn mean in dating? In this article, we’ll talk about possible definitions, what a unicorn can do for your romantic life, and maybe even how to become one yourself!

What does unicorn mean in dating? It depends on the community!

You can probably guess from the name that a unicorn is someone highly sought out, special, and rare. But, exactly who that person is depends on whether we’re talking about polyamorous relationships or sugar relationships.

Let’s start with polyamory, a form of non-monogamy in which a couple is free to have multiple partners at the same time. In this dating community, a unicorn is someone who gets along well enough with both members of an existing couple to complete their threesome. What this looks like in practice will depend on the people involved. For instance, a unicorn may only be intimate with the couple as a group, or may have a separate physical or romantic relationship with each member of the couple individually. In some polyamorous settings, the unicorn may even live with the couple and help out with things like house responsibilities and childcare. But, in other circumstances, the unicorn will engage only in a no-strings-attached encounter so as not to get emotionally involved with the existing couple.

Now, let’s move on to the sugaring community. In this context, a unicorn is also someone whose presence can make life more exciting and enjoyable. But in sugaring, a unicorn typically refers to a very wealthy, generous sugar daddy.

Other characteristics of what makes a sugar daddy a unicorn will depend on the preferences of the sugar baby. For instance, one sugar baby may hope to find a provider who is looking for a platonic rather than an intimate relationship. Other sugar babies may hope to find a unicorn who is conventionally attractive, romantic, and maybe even willing to get married. Again, the only common characteristic in all sugar unicorns is that this daddy is wealthy and generous!

How to find the right unicorn for you

Whether you’re interested in a poly or a sugar unicorn, your next question is probably going to be, “How do I find this person?” Here are a few tips:

Find your community

While you may stumble upon a unicorn in your everyday life, you’ll have a much easier time if you put yourself in contact with that specific dating community. If you’re looking for a poly unicorn, for instance, you might look into dating websites that specialize in non-monogamous relationships. If you’re looking for a sugar unicorn, stick with sugaring websites!

Put in the effort to attract and keep your perfect unicorn

Unicorns typically have their pick of partners, which means that you may have to put in a bit of extra effort to get their attention! Here are a few tips to make yourself more appealing to your ideal match:

  • Be proactive with the conversation. Don’t wait around for your unicorn to talk to you. Their DMs are probably already full of people who are actively pursuing them! So, don’t be afraid to strike up a chat, use interesting conversation starters, and don’t leave messages unanswered.
  • Ask them out as soon as you’ve made a genuine connection. Once you feel that you and your unicorn have found your spark, it’s time to take things to the next level! Asking them out for an in-person date or video call is what will set you apart from all of their other potential “suitors” and allow you to make a lasting impression!
  • Don’t hide your interest. You might have heard that the best way to keep someone interested is to play dating games and pretend you’re not really into them. This is pretty shaky advice, especially when dealing with unicorns! Remember that if you don’t show that you’re interested and willing to treat this person well, they can easily find someone who does.
  • Use open communication to keep both of you satisfied in the relationship. Great communication is essential in both polyamory and sugar relationships. Make sure that you check in regularly with your unicorn to make sure that they’re satisfied.

Don’t get discouraged

The truth is, we call them unicorns because these types of partners can be tricky to track down! That means that you might have to go through a few different options before you find your perfect match. Throughout your search, make sure that you keep an open mind and remember that all partners can offer you satisfaction, an opportunity for growth, or other positive benefits even if they’re not your unicorn. So, try your best to live in the present moment and enjoy the ride!

How to be a unicorn

Think you have what it takes to be a unicorn yourself? Whether you’re interested in becoming a third in a non-monogamous relationship or pampering a sugar baby, there are a few ways that you can become a more sought-after unicorn:

For polyamory unicorns


Becoming a poly unicorn can be highly fulfilling. But it also takes some work! Here are a few things you should know before you become a couple’s third:

  • It’s important to clarify your role. As we mentioned, there are a lot of different poly dynamics involving unicorns. So, be really specific with any potential partners about what kind of relationship they’re looking for and what your role would be.
  • Check in with yourself often. Sometimes your emotions will change over time as you interact with a couple. So, it’s important to stay connected to your own emotions to decide whether you feel fulfilled in your role or need things to change.
  • Maintain your independence. Creating some emotional space in this type of relationship is healthy and can help you keep things in perspective. As much as you may enjoy spending time with your couple, make sure that you’re not neglecting other things in your life that bring you joy, such as your friends, family, work, or hobbies.

For sugar unicorns


You may already be familiar with the responsibilities of being a sugar daddy. But, how can you level up to a sugar unicorn?

· Prioritize generosity. Being a sugar unicorn doesn’t only mean that you’re wealthy. More importantly, it means that you’re generous with your wealth. In fact, a sugar unicorn doesn’t have to be the richest person in the room. As long as this person is willing to do whatever it takes to make their sugar baby feel pampered and special, they can be a unicorn.

· Be honest about what you’re looking for. As we mentioned, beyond being generous, there are different kinds of unicorns for different kinds of sugar babies. That means that you should always be honest about what kind of sugar relationship you’re looking for!

· Tailor your dates to your sugar baby’s preferences. If you know your sugar baby loves wine, take them to wine tastings. If you’re dating a fashionista sugar baby, book a trip to New York Fashion Week. These personalized dates are what set you apart as a unicorn.

· Become an expert gift-giver. Gift-giving can be such a sweet way to make your sugar baby feel special. If you’re not sure what your partner would like, you can simply ask them or take a look at a sugar baby gift guide.

So, what does a unicorn mean in dating? It depends on what you’re looking for!

In this article, we’ve covered two of the main definitions for unicorns in dating. But, as you can see, a unicorn is really any kind of partner who is special, one-of-a-kind, and maybe hard to find. So, no matter whether you’re looking for your unicorn or want to become one, the most important thing is that you put yourself out there and start meeting potential partners!