What is Wanderlove Dating Trend?


Last Updated: March 12, 2024

Relationship Advice

Have a wandering soul and a romantic soft spot? Then the new trend of wanderlove might be just what you’re looking for!

Let’s take a deep dive into this exciting new dating term and what it could mean for your love life!

First came wanderlust…

Wanderlove was inspired by the earlier term wanderlust, used to describe anyone with a love for travel. This original term, which came from Germany in the early 20th century, referred to the delight one takes in hiking or roaming the hills. Nowadays, of course, you don’t have to climb mountains to have wanderlust. As long as you’ve got an interest in seeing new places, this term describes you!

…then comes wanderlove

 Wanderlove happens when someone with wanderlust gets hit by Cupid’s arrow! People who are open to dating while traveling, whether it’s to have a flirty fling or a full-on relationship, can be said to have wanderlove. Sometimes this means actively looking for a romantic partner during your travels, while other times wanderlove can be an unexpected—but certainly pleasant—surprise.

What are the perks of wanderlove?


Be honest: what’s more romantic than sharing a first kiss with the Eiffel Tower in the background at sunset with French accordion music playing somewhere in the distance? But, it’s not just the dreamy imagery that makes wanderlove so special. Here are a few other perks of trying out this style of dating:

  • It can put you into contact with locals. When you’re visiting a new place, it’s always a benefit to have a local guide. And who better to fill that role than someone who wants to take you out on a romantic date? You’ll be immersed in the authentic experience of wherever you’re visiting plus the excitement of a first date.
  • It can introduce you to fellow travelers. You don’t only have to date locals while you’re traveling to get your fill of wanderlove. You can also connect with fellow travelers! This can be a great opportunity to swap stories and recommendations, and you might find it comforting to spend some time with someone who speaks the same language.
  • It can open up more opportunities on dating apps. Maybe you’re not an active traveler but are simply tired of seeing the same people on your dating apps. If you find yourself in a too-small dating pool, wanderlove dating can be your solution! Expand your range to include neighboring cities or places you’ve always wanted to visit.
  • No matter how you do it, it will spice up your adventures. Whether you find your soulmate or have a few interesting dates, wanderlove is guaranteed to bring something new to your love life. Dating people outside of your immediate circle or community is bound to be memorable, even if the memories consist of struggling through language barriers and arguing about whether you say “soccer” or “football.”

What are the potential downsides?

As with any style of dating, wanderlove should be approached with some considerations for your feelings and safety. Here are a few of the realities that come with this style of dating:

  • Your vacation brain can be a bit of a trickster. When you’re on vacation, you’re relaxed and riding the high of new, fun experiences! But, be careful not to get too lost in the clouds. At some point, you’ll need to get back to your non-vacation life and responsibilities.
  • You may have to deal with cultural differences. It can be an amazing experience getting to know someone from a different part of the country or a completely different culture. But, culture shock is a real thing! Sometimes, these differences can be awkward, uncomfortable and even downright embarrassing.
  • You have to play closer attention to your safety. No matter where your love life takes you, your safety should always be a top priority. But this is even more of a concern when you’re traveling to a new place where things are unfamiliar, and you don’t have access to your normal support system.
  • Saying goodbye is often part of the equation. Even though having a fling or a new romance can fill up your heart, if you or your out-of-town beau aren’t ready for long-distance, you’ll eventually need to say goodbye. Be ready for a period of tenderheartedness that is a normal part of many wanderlove stories.

How can you practice wanderlove for yourself?


Now that you’ve learned more about what wanderlove is and its pros and cons, you might be ready to try it out for yourself! Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Make a travel list. One of the most exciting parts of wanderlove dating is putting together a list of cities or countries you want to see. To get started, try narrowing it down to three main areas you want to explore so that you can start chatting with people there!
  • Budget appropriately. Unless you’re planning on having a sugar daddy pay for your wanderlove adventures, you’ll want to start putting together a budget and setting aside some savings. This is a good practice even if you don’t have your destination locked in yet.
  • Cast your net. If you’re looking to have dates lined up when your plane lands, you should start casting your net ahead of time. You can do this by expanding your location preferences on dating apps.
  • Make your intentions clear. Wanderlove comes in a few different styles. You can be interested in a casual fling or be looking for someone who is open to long-distance dating. It’s important to clarify your expectations when you start getting to know people online.
  • Have a safety plan. As we said, you should put extra consideration into your safety when traveling. This could look like sharing your location with a loved one, learning important phrases in the language of the country you’re visiting, or having emergency phone numbers saved into your phone.
  • Enjoy every moment of it. Wanderlove is truly a unique experience that can expand your worldview, brighten up your adventures, and maybe even land you the partner of your dreams. But, the most important thing is that you enjoy it while it’s happening! So, loosen up, roll with the cultural differences, and live in the moment!
  • Don’t leave anything unsaid. As your wanderlove adventure comes to a close, make sure that you get everything off your chest before you board the plane! Maybe that means simply thanking your vacation beau for a great time. Or maybe that means proposing a long-distance relationship. Even though the answer may not always be what you want to hear, it’s better than living with the regret of not having said how you feel!

Will you try wanderlove dating?

Is the hopeless romantic or fiery adventurer in you looking for a way to make your travels more interesting? Wanderlove might be just the trick! As long as you’re honest with your intentions, open-minded, and practical, you can enjoy the exciting world of wanderlove.