
Online Recently

Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Needs life lived

Age 36

Next birthday in July

Sugar Baby

Looking for a 40-60 year old SugarDaddy

Online Recently

Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Personal details

  • Gender


  • Profile Type

    Sugar Baby

  • Ethnicity


  • Age


  • Marital status


  • Body & height

    4' 9

About me

I am attractive, fun, experienced in way too many ways. I just wanna live life a little before its too late. I mean I've never even been to a concert before!!

What I’m Looking For

Someone to spoil me just a little. I need some fun memories. As well I just need a helping hand to help put my life in the direction I need to be going and not back to where I was self distructing. Im looking for someone to appreciate the woman ive become and not downgrade how i became this woman. I am an empowered woman yet powerless over many things and the way my decisions in life have taken me. I dont really know the lifestyle of a sugar baby but im a willing learner. My past is dark yet so very exciting because ive lived behind closed doors. Looking to make my future bright and learn to live life on the outside of things for once. Im me no matter what but the hands always reach out from that dark past. Do you wanna open the doors and help guide my future self to a better way?

Looking For

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    Sugar Daddy

  • Age
